Best Doctor In Town



Renew Your Weakened or Decayed Teeth Today!

When seeking cosmetic dentistry in Raleigh, NC, reach out to Dr. Shilpa Koneru to explore smile-enhancing procedures. Our in-house team specializes in a wide array of cosmetic dental treatments, dedicated to realizing your dream smile. Whether it's subtle teeth straightening with Invisalign or a radiant transformation with teeth whitening, rely on us for a comprehensive suite of procedures to boost your confidence in your smile!

Transform Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry in Raleigh, NC. Connect with Dr. Shilpa Koneru to explore smile-enhancing options. We offer a range of in-house cosmetic dental procedures, making it easier than ever to attain the perfect smile you've always envisioned. Whether you seek discreet teeth straightening with Invisalign or a radiant smile through teeth whitening, trust us for a complete spectrum of procedures to boost your confidence in your smile!


Why Consider a Dental Crown? Exploring the Benefits


Address Dental Issues with Effective Solutions

Consider Dental Crowns for Smile Restoration: Dental crowns play a crucial role in enhancing your oral health and appearance. They are often recommended in various situations, such as when your teeth are worn down or fractured. If you have teeth that are misshapen or discolored, crowns can provide a transformative solution. Additionally, if tooth decay has taken its toll or your teeth are prone to breakage or cracks, crowns can reinforce the tooth's structure, ensuring both improved function and aesthetics for your smile.

Unlocking the Advantages of Dental Crowns

Consider Dental Crowns for Smile Restoration: Dental crowns play a crucial role in enhancing your oral health and appearance. They are often recommended in various situations, such as when your teeth are worn down or fractured. If you have teeth that are misshapen or discolored, crowns can provide a transformative solution. Additionally, if tooth decay has taken its toll or your teeth are prone to breakage or cracks, crowns can reinforce the tooth's structure, ensuring both improved function and aesthetics for your smile.

The Straightforward Process of Receiving a Dental Crown

Navigating the Dental Crown Process

The Dental Crown Process in Two Visits-Getting a dental crown usually comprises two office appointments. Initially, we'll conduct x-rays during your first visit to assess the root and bone health, ensuring they can effectively support the crown. Then, any necessary tooth reshaping is done before taking impressions. During the second visit, we securely cement the crown in place and verify the bite for a perfect fit.


Enhance Your Smile's Appearance and Functionality

Explore Smile Enhancement Through Tooth Restoration:At our practice, we provide a range of solutions to rejuvenate your smile's aesthetics and function. Among these options, dental bridges stand out as an effective method for addressing gaps caused by one or more missing teeth. This approach involves the connection of two or more crowns, which are securely affixed to adjacent teeth. Dental bridges offer a reliable means of tooth replacement for adults, seamlessly enhancing both the look and functionality of your smile.


Closing Smile Gaps: Transforming Your Smile with Restoration

Benefits of a Bridge

Revive Your Smile's Beauty and Functionality with a Dental Bridge:A dental bridge not only brings back the aesthetics of your smile but also enhances the overall function of your mouth, enabling you to speak and eat with ease. Dr. Shilpa Koneru may suggest a bridge to prevent the sunken appearance of cheeks in areas with missing teeth and to restore your bite by filling the gaps. If you're self-conscious about a missing tooth or noticeable smile gaps, a dental bridge can be your solution for a smile that radiates confidence.

Unlocking the Bridge Dental Procedure

Understanding the Bridge Procedure in Three Steps: First Visit: We begin by preparing the teeth adjacent to the gap, a process that may involve removing a portion of the enamel to accommodate the crown material. Once the tooth is reshaped, we take an impression for crafting a personalized bridge. Second Visit: Here, we focus on assessing the condition of your gums to ensure they are in good health. Last Visit: In the final step, we securely place the custom-made bridge, completing the restoration process for your smile.

Revive Your Smile: Dental Bridges for Missing Teeth

Renew Your Weakened or Decayed Teeth Today!

Exploring Tooth Replacement Options: Could a Dental Bridge Be Right for You? During your consultation, we'll assess your suitability for a dental bridge or other tooth replacement methods. Our goal is to find the most effective solution to restore your smile and maintain your facial contours, and a dental bridge could be the answer you've been looking for.