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Privacy Policy Notice

This document outlines how your medical information may be used and disclosed, as well as how you can access this information. Please review it carefully.

  • I. Dental Practice Covered by this Privacy Notice

    This notice outlines the privacy practices of Naren Family Dental ("Dental Practice"). "We" and "our" refer to the Dental Practice, while "you" and "your" denote our patients.

  • II. How to Contact Us/Our Privacy Officer

    Should you have any inquiries or require additional information regarding this Privacy Notice, please reach out to the Privacy Officer at Naren Family Dental:

    4008 Mitchell Mill Rd, Suite 108,Raleigh, NC 27616


  • III. Our Commitment to Your Privacy and Legal Obligations

    Protecting the privacy of your health information is of utmost importance to us. We recognize that your health information is confidential, and we are dedicated to safeguarding it. This notice delineates how we may use and disclose your protected health information for the purposes of treatment, payment, healthcare operations, and other permissible or legally required purposes. It also outlines your rights to access and manage your protected health information. Protected health information encompasses details about you, including demographic information, which can identify you and relates to your past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition, as well as healthcare services.

    We are mandated by law to:

    Ensure the security of your protected health information;

    Purnish you with this Privacy Notice detailing our legal obligations and privacy practices concerning your information; and

    Adhere to the terms of our currently active Privacy Notice.

  • IV. How We May Use or Disclose Your Health Information

    The following examples illustrate the various ways we may employ or disclose your health information. These instances are not exhaustive. We are permitted by law to use and disclose your health information for the following purposes:

    A. Common Purposes and Disclosures

    Treatment: We may utilize your health information to provide dental treatment or services, such as teeth cleaning, examinations, or dental procedures. We may also disclose health information about you to dental specialists, physicians, or other healthcare professionals involved in your care.

    1.We might uncover wellbeing data about you to dental subject matter experts, doctors, or other medical services experts engaged with your consideration.

    2.Payment: Your health information may be used and disclosed to obtain payment from health plans and insurers for the care we provide to you

    3.Healthcare Operations: Health information about you may be used and disclosed in healthcare operations necessary for the functioning of our practice. This includes reviewing our treatment and services, training, evaluating the performance of our staff and healthcare professionals, quality assurance, financial or billing audits, legal matters, and business planning and development.

    4.Appointment Reminders: We may use or disclose your health information to remind you of a dental appointment. We may contact you via postcard, letter, phone call, voicemail, message, or email..

    5.Treatment Options and Health-Related Benefits and Services: Your health information may be used and disclosed to inform you about treatment options, alternatives, or health-related benefits and services that may be of interest to you.

    6.Disclosure to Family and Friends: If you do not object or if you are absent, we may disclose your health information to a family member or friend involved in your care or payment for your care if we believe it is in your best interest.

    7.Disclosure to Business Associates: We may disclose your protected health information to our third-party service providers, known as "business associates," who perform functions on our behalf or provide us with services, if the information is necessary for those functions or services. For instance, we may use a business associate to assist us in maintaining our practice management software. Our business associates are contractually obligated to protect the security of your information and are not allowed to use or disclose any information other than as specified in our contract.

    B. Uncommon Purposes and Disclosures

    1. Revelations Legally necessary. We might utilize or unveil patient wellbeing data to the degree we are legally necessary to do as such. For instance, we are expected to uncover patient wellbeing .

    2. General Wellbeing Exercises. We might reveal patient wellbeing data for general wellbeing exercises and purposes, which include: forestalling or controlling infection, injury or incapacity; detailing births or passings; detailing youngster misuse or disregard; revealing unfavorable responses to meds or food varieties; revealing item surrenders; empowering item reviews; and informing an individual who might have been presented to an illness or might be in danger of contracting or spreading a sickness or condition.

    3. Survivors of Misuse, Disregard or Aggressive behaviour at home. We might unveil wellbeing data to the proper government authority about a patient whom we accept is a casualty of misuse, disregard, or abusive behaviour at home.

    4. Wellbeing Oversight Exercises. We might reveal patient wellbeing data to a wellbeing oversight organization for exercises fundamental for the public authority to give fitting oversight of the medical services framework, certain administration benefit projects, and consistence with specific social liberties regulations.

    5. Claims and Lawful Activities. We might uncover patient wellbeing data because of (I) a court or regulatory request or (ii) a summon, disclosure demand, or other legitimate cycle that is not requested by a court on the off chance that endeavours have been made to tell the patient or to get a request safeguarding the data mentioned.

    6. Policing. We might unveil your wellbeing data to a policing for a policing, for example, to recognize or find a suspect, material observer or missing individual or to caution policing a wrongdoing.

    7. Coroners, Clinical Analysts and Memorial service Chiefs. We might unveil your wellbeing data to a coroner, clinical inspector, or memorial service chief to permit them to do their obligations.

    8. Organ, Eye and Tissue Gift. We might utilize or uncover your wellbeing data to organ acquirement associations or others that get, bank or relocate cadaveric organs, eyes or tissue for gift and relocate.

    9. Research Purposes. We might involve or unveil your data for research purposes in accordance with patient approval waiver endorsement by an Institutional Audit Board or Protection Board.

    10. Danger to Wellbeing or Security. We might utilize or unveil your wellbeing data on the off chance that we accept it is important to do as such to forestall or reduce a serious danger to anybody's wellbeing or security.

    11. Specific Government Capabilities. We might uncover your wellbeing data to the military (homegrown or unfamiliar) about its individuals or veterans, for public safety and defensive administrations for the President or different heads of state, to the public authority for trusted status surveys, and to a prison or jail about its detainees.

    12. Laborers' Pay. We might unveil your wellbeing data to conform to laborers' pay regulations or comparable projects that give advantages to business related wounds or ailment.

    V. Your Composed Approval for Some other Use or Exposure of Your Wellbeing Data

    Utilizations and exposures of your safeguarded wellbeing data that include the arrival of psychotherapy notes (if any), advertising, offer of your safeguarded wellbeing data, or different purposes or divulgences not portrayed in this notice will be made exclusively with your composed approval, except if generally allowed or legally necessary. You might repudiate this approval out of the blue, recorded as a hard copy, but to the degree that this office has made a move in dependence on the utilization of revelation demonstrated in the approval. On the off chance that a utilization or exposure of safeguarded wellbeing data depicted above in this notice is denied or tangibly restricted by different regulations that apply to utilize, we expect to meet the prerequisites of the more rigid regulation.

    Your Freedoms as for Your Wellbeing Data

    You have the accompanying freedoms as for specific wellbeing data that we have about you). To practice any of these privileges, you should present a composed solicitation to our Protection Official recorded on the main page of this Notification.

    A. Right to Access and Audit

    You might demand to access and survey a duplicate of your wellbeing data. We might deny your solicitation in specific situations. You will get composed notice of a disavowal and can pursue it. We will give a duplicate of your wellbeing data in an organization you demand in the event that it is promptly producible. While perhaps not promptly producible, we will give it in a printed copy design or other configuration that is pleasing together. In the event that your wellbeing data is remembered for an Electronic Wellbeing Record, you reserve the privilege to get a duplicate of it in an electronic configuration and to guide us to send it to the individual or substance you assign in an electronic configuration.

    We might charge a sensible expense to take care of our expense to furnish you with duplicates of your wellbeing data.

    B. Right to Correct

    Assuming you accept that your wellbeing data is mistaken or inadequate, you might demand that we alter it. We might deny your solicitation under conditions. You will get composed notice of a forswearing and can record an assertion of conflict that will be incorporated with your wellbeing data that you accept is wrong or deficient.

    C. Right to Limit Use and Revelation

    You might demand that we confine utilizations of your wellbeing data to complete treatment, instalment, or medical services activities or to your relative or companion associated with your consideration" rewrite captions ChatGPT A. Common Purposes and Disclosures Treatment: We may utilize your health information to provide dental treatment or services, such as teeth cleaning, examinations, or dental procedures. We may also disclose health information about you to dental specialists, physicians, or other healthcare professionals involved in your care. Payment: Your health information may be used and disclosed to obtain payment from health plans and insurers for the care we provide to you. Healthcare Operations: Health information about you may be used and disclosed in healthcare operations necessary for the functioning of our practice. This includes reviewing our treatment and services, training, evaluating the performance of our staff and healthcare professionals, quality assurance, financial or billing audits, legal matters, and business planning and development. Appointment Reminders: We may use or disclose your health information to remind you of a dental appointment. We may contact you via postcard, letter, phone call, voicemail, message, or email. Treatment Options and Health-Related Benefits and Services: Your health information may be used and disclosed to inform you about treatment options, alternatives, or health-related benefits and services that may be of interest to you. Disclosure to Family and Friends: If you do not object or if you are absent, we may disclose your health information to a family member or friend involved in your care or payment for your care if we believe it is in your best interest. Disclosure to Business Associates: We may disclose your protected health information to our third-party service providers, known as "business associates," who perform functions on our behalf or provide us with services, if the information is necessary for those functions or services. For instance, we may use a business associate to assist us in maintaining our practice management software. Our business associates are contractually obligated to protect the security of your information and are not allowed to use or disclose any information other than as specified in our contract. B. Uncommon Purposes and Disclosures Disclosures Required by Law: We may use or disclose patient health information to the extent required by law. For example, we are required to disclose patient health information. Public Health Activities: Patient health information may be disclosed for public health activities and purposes, including preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability; reporting births or deaths; reporting child abuse or neglect; reporting adverse reactions to medications or foods; reporting product defects; facilitating product recalls; and notifying individuals who may have been exposed to a disease or may be at risk of contracting or spreading a disease or condition. Abuse, Neglect, or Domestic Violence: Health information may be disclosed to the appropriate government authority about a patient whom we believe is a victim of abuse, neglect, or domestic violence. Health Oversight Activities: Patient health information may be disclosed to a health oversight agency for activities necessary for the government to provide proper oversight of the healthcare system, certain government benefit programs, and compliance with specific civil rights laws. Legal Proceedings: Patient health information may be disclosed in response to (I) a court or administrative order or (ii) a subpoena, discovery request, or other legal process that is not ordered by a court if efforts have been made to notify the patient or to obtain a protective order for the requested information. Law Enforcement: We may disclose your health information to law enforcement for purposes such as identifying or locating a suspect, witness, or missing person, or to report a crime. Coroners, Medical Examiners, and Funeral Directors: Your health information may be disclosed to a coroner, medical examiner, or funeral director to allow them to carry out their duties. Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation: We may use or disclose your health information to organ procurement organizations or other entities that obtain, store, or transplant cadaveric organs, eyes, or tissue for donation and transplantation. Research Purposes: Your information may be used or disclosed for research purposes with patient authorization or approval from an Institutional Review Board or Privacy Board. Threat to Health or Safety: We may use or disclose your health information if we believe it is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious threat to someone's health or safety. Specialized Government Functions: Your health information may be disclosed to military authorities (domestic or foreign) regarding their members or veterans, for national security and protective services for the President or other heads of state, to the government for trusted status reviews, and to a correctional institution about its inmates. Workers' Compensation: We may disclose your health information to comply with workers' compensation laws or similar programs that provide benefits for work-related injuries or illnesses. V. Your Written Authorization for Any Other Use or Disclosure of Your Health Information Uses and disclosures of your protected health information involving psychotherapy notes (if any), marketing, sale of your protected health information, or other purposes or disclosures not described in this notice will be made only with your written authorization User "Disclosure to Family and Friends: If you do not object or if you are absent, we may disclose your health information to a family member or friend involved in your care or payment for your care if we believe it is in your best interest." with paragraph tag ChatGPT Disclosure to Family and Friends: If you do not object or if you are absent, we may disclose your health information to a family member or friend involved in your care or payment for your care if we believe it is in your best interest.

Wake Cross Family Dentistry